After you sign up and appoint us as your EMDG Consultant we will manage all aspects of your EMDG application. Answer all your questions and do nearly all the work. Because there are some things only you can do and we will explain what you need to do. This will be done while leading you through the Application – Milestone Reporting and Follow up – ActivityReporting and reapplication processes one step at a time.
Round 4 (01 July 2025 to 30 June 2027) Applications OPENING TBA – (Est OPENING Qtr 2 or Qtr 3 FY25)
We talk with you to understand your business circumstances.
We go to work on your Application and required submissions
You review our work before We eLodge your Application
AUSTRADE assesses your EMDG application
You accept or reject Austrade’s Grant Offer
We work with you each year to lodge your milestone report
You get your grant $$$ on assessment of a successful milestone report
We lodge your Follow up – ActivityReporting
1. We talk with you to understand your business circumstances.
First we will ‘virtual meet’ with you via teleconference/telephone/email to understand your circumstances answer your questions , discuss terms and determine what needs doing. You will need to provide us with factual information & documentation to support your circumstances to ensure there are no impediments to you securing an EMDG.
2. We go to work on your Application
Secondly we set to work ensuring your EMDG application is in the correct manner & form by referencing the EMDG Act, Rules & Guidelines.
Based on your Promotional budget we will work with you to prepare a Plan to Market for the appropriate Tier (1,2,3 or 4) including any additional submissions ie Goods Rule 19(1)(d) & Services rule 21(b) and ready your EMDG Application for your review.
3. You review our work before we e-Lodge your EMDG Application.
Third we ready all elements of your EMDG application for your review including the relevant Declarations & Austrade Authorisations ensuring everything is correct before we e-Lodge your application via the AUSTRADE EMDG portal.
4. AUSTRADE assesses your EMDG Application & YOU accept the Grant Offer
Fourth we facilitate the assessment process and all things being well, AUSTRADE will offer you a Grant Agreement for a specified amount.* An authorised representative of your business will need a MyGov ID & is required to sign and accept your EMDG Grant Agreement Offer.
* NB: Once all applications have been received, AUSTRADE will calculate the distribution amount from available funds for ALL eligible applications.
5. We work with you each year to lodge your Milestone Report $$$
Each financial year regardless of your spend as specified in your Grant Agreement we will work with you to prepare and lodge your Milestone Report consistent with your Plan to Market ie that you have done your planned promotional activities, met the goals identified in your Plan to Market, including reporting your export sales etc. Your Export Market Development Grant payment will follow a successful assessment of your Milestone Report
6. We lodge your Follow up – Activity Report
After your grant period has ended as set out in your grant agreemnet you will need to provide a Follow up – Activity Report. We will work with you to determine what is required and lodge your Follow up – Activity Report.